I’m not a writer anymore.

I’m not a writer anymore.

Or an editor.

And I wish you knew how good that feels.

I started reading when I was two. I started writing later, when I was a kid; journaling that turned into writing plays and poems and even part of a book. I learned that writing was so innate to my being and that it was a way to express myself and “deal” with life. I did it for fun and I did it for me and I loved it. I loved all of my English and reading classes. I consumed more books than many people do in a lifetime. And reading helped to fine-tune my writing.

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While I’m stoked that I got my writing juju back, and I’m really excited to share a guest post from my best friend with you tomorrow, I feel like this month off from writing/blogging has been eye opening.

I follow a few bloggers, and some of them are amazing. But one in particular, that I was originally obsessed with, now leaves me with a bitter taste of “life editing”…this thing we all do (to varying degrees) on social media where we edit our lives to be what we know other people want. Continue reading

Shut Your Freaking Pie Hole


One day I was in Walmart with my nephew Donavan. He was maybe 2 1/2, 3 years old at the time and had to go potty. So I whisked him away to the Ladies’ Room. In this magical place there was a young woman, on the phone, talking relatively loudly. I scooted Donavan inside, trying to get him into a stall, but he had other plans. Continue reading

How-To // Journaling

{Editor’s Note: B+B is starting a new series full of fun ‘How To’ posts! This is the first in the series.}

How-To Series // Journaling

The best part about learning how to journal is that there really are no rules! Most of us remember journaling in our younger days, full of locked notebooks, “Dear Diaries”, and “Today Christine and I played a fun game after school”. And while those are super fun to look back at, journaling as an adult can be extremely rewarding (and even healing).

Start by getting a journal that you love to look at. It can even be a planner with a notes section, if you’re not sure you’re ready to commit to a book full of blank pages! Here are some of my favorites: Continue reading