JOMO // Joy of Missing Out

{Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from my dear friend and social media guru, Danielle Michels, and a wildly timely one at that. I know I’m guilty of coveting others’ filtered lives, and this touches at the heart of that. So, let’s all read this with an open mind, and then try disconnecting for a bit. xo}

Out of the gate of the New Year by nearly half a month and many of us have already lost sight of some resolutions we set for 2014. That’s nothing new, resolutions come and go as quick as the champagne runs out, but one thing was different this year.

A particular resolution made more of an appearance on my various newsfeeds when we rang in 2014 than the typical hope of eating healthier and shedding some pounds. Funny enough, this resolution was broadcast using the tool that many resolved to be less attached to: social media.


First of all, when did social media become something we had to evade with the same sort of discomfort we have when we resist that piece of cheesecake on January 2nd? Continue reading

Guest Post: Fennel-Carrot Loaves

{This is a guest post from Ashley Purser, a hand-lettering maven (check out her Etsy shop) AND she’s my sister! She’s amazing in the kitchen and wanted to share this recipe with you. While cooking has traditionally been seen as a love language, you can also take this time to indulge yourself. Get your hands dirty and make a sweet treat for those days when you just need a little love for YOU! Enjoy!}

Fennel-Carrot Loaves

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Itʼs that time of year! I love fall so much. Any season that says itʼs okay to pair flannel and boots with a sparkly necklace and glitter on your nails is fine with me! Continue reading